Many professional organizations are pushing to reopen major league sports. Some sports activities have already begun.
Besides the obvious, what are the implications in sports regarding COVID-19?
There are two main perspectives:
Players (including organizers, managers, coaches, etc.)
Fans (spectators, observers, etc.)
As sports begin to open up, let’s view some cases of what is occurring.
In the United States, Coronavirus cases are still occurring, though most places are not hot spots for the Coronavirus.
Many teams are training and positioned to resume.
In the sport of soccer, one team was preparing for a game. However, testing revealed 5 of the players tested positive for COVID-19. To me, that is incredible! Did these players exhibit symptoms? Where did they catch the virus? (Was it actually spread from other teammates?)
In this particular case, the match was postponed until a later point.
For further details, read here.