Coronavirus COVID-19

What Happened on the Diamond Princess?

Image by Pava from Pixabay

For many, the explosion of Coronavirus reports began with information about the Diamond Princess.

What really happened on that cruise ship with COVID-19?

The following explores some of the facts regarding this ship and its emergence into history with the largest number of Coronavirus cases outside of China at that particular time.

Original sail dates: January 20th – February 4th

The trip destinations included Japan, Vietnam, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.

Problem was first detected when a passenger who left the ship in Hong Kong, seeking treatment at the hospital, tested positive to the Coronavirus. The ship docked in Hong Kong on January 25th, five days into the historic cruise. (1)

Feb. 3rd – Ship returned to dock at Yokohama, Japan, one day ahead of schedule. (1)

Feb. 4th – Announcement made that 10 people aboard the ship tested positive for SARS-CoV19. (5)

Feb. 5th – 14 day “observation” time began for passengers – similar to a stay-at-home order (5)

Feb. 19 – Non-infected individuals released from the ship (5)

End Feb. – 691 confirmed cases (5)

In total, there were 712 confirmed cases. (2) Total passengers on the ship 3711. (3)

Coronavirus COVID-19 News

Mechanical Ventilators – To Use or Not to Use?

No one wants to be in a situation needing a mechanical ventilator.

In Covid-19 cases, is it best to use a mechanical ventilator?

This article expertly outlines the current observations regarding ventilators and Coronavirus.

News article concerning ventilator use

Coronavirus COVID-19

NY Times News Article: What I Learned When My Husband Got Sick with Coronavirus

Excellent article accounting one family’s experience dealing with Coronavirus.

Wondering what it’s like to experience COVID-19. This provides an insight into the experiences of the illness.

Read article.

Coronavirus COVID-19

Face Mask Creation: Simple Solution

The following is an easy, straight-forward method of constructing a face mask.
Coronavirus COVID-19

Working from Home – Ways to Get Paid

For those who are now working virtually – meeting with clients via online platforms, you may be scrambling for practical ideas for getting paid.

The following are a few practical means to accomplish that:

Check in the mail

Ah – the “old-fashioned” way: receiving a check in the mail.

Many individuals have opted for this. It allows for easy tracking of payments for both the client as well as the business owner.

For those used to writing checks and that are not too tech-savy, it is an easy and preferred method to pay.

There are no transaction fees.

Google Pay

Google Pay advertises “no fee for debit or bank transfers.”

Three easy steps for person to pay you: (per instructions on Google Pay)

  1. Open Google Pay
  2. At the bottom, tap send.
  3. Find your contact and follow the instructions.

Visit Google Pay

Coronavirus COVID-19

Product Recommendation from a Teacher

I know many of you have been looking for vitamin C.

The stores are sold out, and the online retailers are shipping slowly.

The following is a product recommended by a teacher who works with younger children. She normally takes it during the wintertime cold and flu season. She personally uses a smaller dose to avoid any stomach irritation from the vitamin C.

This is a great product for those looking for a vitamin C-based product.

In Stock.

Coronavirus COVID-19 News

Looking for Statistics – How Many Cases of Coronavirus in a Country? How Many Deaths?

In addition to the map, there is an excellent resource available which presents the number of cases in each country of the world.

Link to number of cases of COVID-19 by country

The above link presents the number of deaths by country.

The link below shows the trends in the major countries affected.

New cases of coronavirus in major countries of the world

Excellent resources!

Coronavirus COVID-19

Great Article

Excellent article! Author does a great job regarding the topic of face masks.

Common questions are answered regarding use of face masks.

“Coronavirus FAQs: Is A Homemade Mask Effective? And What’s The Best Way To Wear One?”

Coronavirus COVID-19

This article warmed my heart . . .

“Delicious Work in a Difficult Time” Read here

Coronavirus COVID-19 News

Coronavirus COVID-19 Cases Worldwide

The following is the site detailing global case amounts of COVID-19.

Johns Hopkins University & Medicine Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases

This is also a site used by many news sources.
